Meet the Founder

Meet the

Hi, I'm Cesare Zavalloni 👋

I am a tech executive, performance coach, and aspiring mountain leader passionate about leading teams and treks!


Like many of us, I have often felt uncertain about my life's direction. I have been a Computer Science graduate, a media reporter during Nepalese Civil War, a trainee at the European Commission and a marketing executive for Corporate America. And that’s not all: I grew up by the beach but ended up loving mountains😅. My life has been a journey of personal discovery, full of surprising twists and turns! 🎢 Fast forward to today ➡️
  • I've had the privilege of steering the ship in leadership roles within Fortune 100 companies and public institutions over the last 20 years.
  • I am a certified executive coach by IMD business school, a member of the International Coaching Federation (ICF), and the Swiss Association of Mountain Guides, where I am honing my skills to become a trained mountain leader soon.
  • Recently, I founded LEADERFULLY – a Swiss-based leadership development company focused on people’s growth offering executive coaching programs and leadership retreats in nature. But wait, there’s more! I also run a free newsletter - Growth Republic, dedicated to people who seek greatness.
My purpose is to guide, encourage and inspire young professionals and executives like you to see your authentic leadership nature and the new possibilities this realization creates. If you are fancy tapping into a new way that boosts self-discovery and raises personal impact, you’ve come to the right place 🪄. 👇 Scroll down to see the different programs I offer. And if you want to still find out more about me, here is my LinkedIn profile.

🚀Our programs are perfect for

Future Team Leaders & High Potential Managers

If you choose to work hard on your job, you might get a promotion or two. If you choose to work hard on yourself, you can get much more. Tap into the most efficient way to find and raise your inner voice to unlock success in your own terms.     

Executives Embracing Change

When we are no longer able to change our circumstances, we are challenged to change ourselves. Tap into a risk-free process that unlocks new insights about your endless possibilities.


Subscribe to Growth Republic if you want to work on your self-development at your own pace and stay in touch with us through our content for free. Every two weeks we send curated growth stories of real people, practical insights and useful tools to fuel your personal development. Occasionally, we organize free group coaching moments!
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Join this 3-month personalized development program if you are facing a significant professional challenge. As a certified professional coach, I usually lead this program to help you navigate your unique leadership challenges through a structured process. I do a free chemistry check call after enrollment, and my company can provide you with other certified coaches to choose from in case you think there can be a better match. You are in the driving seat of your own development, rock on!


Join a 3-day immersive offsite leadership development program in pristine nature. I once realized that the most effective transformation often happens outside the office and outside the classrooms, in an environment where we can be our true self. Inspired by Bill Gates Think Week, the program offers hands-on experiential workshops coupled with self-awareness techniques. Participants have the unique opportunity to harness the rejuvenating force of nature, enhance mindfulness and rapidly advance their leadership journey.

🌱 Subscribe to Growth Republic

At Growth Republic, we curate growth stories of real people, share high quality insights, and equip you with trusted information and practical tools to fuel your progress. Every two weeks, for free in your inbox.

Join Growth Republic today and stay connected to the knowledge and inspiration that will empower your journey. 💪📈

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